★ The Centennial CoAstro

“2023 is a special year – the planetarium will be 100 years old. In 1923, a team from the Carl Zeiss company completed the first planetarium based on optical-mechanical light projection in Jena, Germany”.

This Centennial is being marked with a wide set of iniciatives. In one of them, named “Local Projects competition“, CoAstro has been selected.

In CoAstro, the grant will be used to take astronomy to those (not by choice, but by lack of opportunities) who are the furthest away from this science. Thus, we intend to engage school communities in free science communication initiatives: night sky and/or solar telescope observations, thematic hands-on activities, “questions and answers” (Q&A) with astronomers and the core activity – “Go Mobile” planetarium shows.

Teachers will also be involved in professional development actions. It will aim to work on key contents and teaching methodologies in astronomy, but also to present concrete examples of how to use this science, in the syllabus : astronomy as a mean to teach other sciences, languages, humanities, arts…

May the Force be with us!

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